Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Price Butter Bretel 2009

2 13/02/11 - San Bartolomeo al mare (IM)

Spectacular sunny day in San Bartolomeo al Mare (Western Liguria)

the departure from Milan in many were skeptical about the weather conditions that we found in Liguria, and then 250 km pioviggivana here to go to San Bartolomeo was a bit of a gamble but as the saying "fortune favors the brave" after several consultations and beliefs we start meeting the unknown. Upon arriving in liguria

already a pale sun welcomed us and accompanied us to the destination chosen, optimum temperature, no wind, perfect day for a very nice ride.

And so it was, two climbs and two descents in places fantiastici, the first a real jump in the blue, a path overlooking the sea, fun and challenging but feasible in some sections.

The second drop-down instead of a fun trail to the mountain, looking very nice

two guappi

many mimosa trees in bloom

view from the second run

turbo in action

donkeys never fail :-) :-)

group photo bank Sea

altitude of the path

GPS track


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