Monday, February 28, 2011

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

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20/02/11 - PLAN OF BETULLE (LC) for the cyclist

Una domenica divertente sulla neve al Pian delle Betulle (Lc)

L'idea era di fare il giro della Val Marcia ma una volta arrivati in cima con la funivia ci siamo trovati davanti una fitta nevicata e a 40 cm. di neve fresca

L'ambiente era stupendo tutto immacolato, solo le nostre impronte

Il buon senso ci ha portati ad andare verso l'alpe Paglio e prendere il sentiero di discesa verso Margno

una occhiata alle piste

we are to take the funiva

the surprise of so much snow

face down in the snow

we are almost there downstream and the snow begins to run low

spectacular trip

click the title to see the photos!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Sofia, after 2 weeks at home in disease, session, finally, in kindergarten.

I must say that if the first week of illness was tough, the second two were much the more, especially because it was found, arrogance, jealousy .

jealousy which was manifested in all its forms: tantrums, first of all, in abundance, attitude of rebellion and defiance, but also insistent demands of pampering at times inappropriate and less impatience to see me breastfeed or take care of Emma (so, sometimes, by taking it well with her).

were weeks that have put a strain on my nerves, I have exhausted psychologically and physically, and have questioned everything I believed from the educational point of view.

everything I did seemed to go well: he treated her with kindness and patience and not get anything if I passed the punishment and the punishment also did not get anything, try to distract her, let alone to Not to mention the lost, well, those are served only to feel, after a mother degenerate, with guilt as big as a house.

not recognize her more, sometimes I wonder if the girl in front of me was really my sweet Sophia, who makes a fuss (what child does not make them ?!?!), talking about but then there is always a consensus, a compromise that satisfies both, and especially do not last a full day.

I realize that was his way of expressing her distress to the new situation, his way to attract attention, in fact every moment of tension not trying to be near her, to read a book, to hug, cuddle, play, in fact I tried to make her feel loved and important as before the birth of Emma, \u200b\u200bbut after 5 minutes of romance you fell in the most fancy exhausting.

I was so empty, sad and demotivated that I really have also questioned whether the decision to give her a little sister was good ... (I know, I know, but in the darkest hours you think a little 'to everything ...).

Since yesterday we are back to daily life consisting of kindergarten, lessons in rhythmic gymnastics began before he became ill, of games with their friends, walking outdoors and we hope that this helped to find the its balance and that jealousy may decrease.

Dear friends, you have never experienced such moments with your children?
as you set? What do you do?

Tell me!

Do you have a book to recommend to prepare for this new feeling in Sofia?

I sincerely thank you and embrace you

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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I have always made a fool! TIMELESS TIMELESS

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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2 13/02/11 - San Bartolomeo al mare (IM)

Spectacular sunny day in San Bartolomeo al Mare (Western Liguria)

the departure from Milan in many were skeptical about the weather conditions that we found in Liguria, and then 250 km pioviggivana here to go to San Bartolomeo was a bit of a gamble but as the saying "fortune favors the brave" after several consultations and beliefs we start meeting the unknown. Upon arriving in liguria

already a pale sun welcomed us and accompanied us to the destination chosen, optimum temperature, no wind, perfect day for a very nice ride.

And so it was, two climbs and two descents in places fantiastici, the first a real jump in the blue, a path overlooking the sea, fun and challenging but feasible in some sections.

The second drop-down instead of a fun trail to the mountain, looking very nice

two guappi

many mimosa trees in bloom

view from the second run

turbo in action

donkeys never fail :-) :-)

group photo bank Sea

altitude of the path

GPS track

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We won!

Remember this giveaway?

We win!

Il grembiulino e il guantino sono a dir poco stupendi e Sofia se n'è subito innamorata, tanto da usare il grembiulino in ogni occasione:

per colorare


e pure per passare l'aspirapolvere


Grazie Mammasorriso e davvero complimenti di cuore per la tua bravura!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Price Bretel Butter2009


Today is Valentine's Day for many but for many it is also the anniversary of the tragic death of a great person did dream a lot of people


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06/02-2011 - Chiavari - Rapallo - MONTALLEGRO (GE)

Here to have a nice winter Sunday with the sun the sea exactly Chiavari and Rapallo and continue to rise, those with Who the cable car with easy road to the shrine of Montallegro

about 1000 meters in altitude with gentle slopes and in about an hour you reach the top where we expect John and the Freak (slacker)

Worked around the sanctuary continues to plan a path in until the beginning of great technical and fun glide path

Lorenzo in action with his tank (rogue)

After we lost in the bush we call back from a TURBO trail Borgomanero (No)

to continue that path that we trovato per puro caso che ci porta dritto dritto alla macchina

molto ma molto divertente
clicca sul titolo per vedere la galleria fotografica

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Acireale (CT)

Baroque expanse of citrus built on a terrace in a plateau of lava, called the eardrum, which puts it almost overlooking the Ionian Sea, Acireale (Jaciriali in Sicilian) is the largest of the nine Aci, resurrected after the destruction of the ancient "Akis" (in the earthquake of 1169), perhaps originally Phoenician emporium, located a little further south. It is called "real" from 1642 by decree of Philip IV of Spain.
The town center is the Piazza del Duomo, elegant living room centered on the cathedral built in 1597-1618 and renovated in the early eighteenth century.
The facade framed by two towers with cusps in bright ceramics, has Gothic style which betrays modernity, the portal, surmounted by two statues, is baroque. The interior frescoes and paintings (XVIII century) by Pietro Paolo Vasta, a local painter whose works adorn many churches in the city. In the transept
debris indicates the late eighteenth century chapel of St. Venera, the patron saint of the city. On the right is the Cathedral Church of SS Peter and Paul (1642), from lively eighteenth-century facade and bell tower with spire and pinnacles. Next is the Town Hall in 1659, a beautiful example of baroque Catania flower, with balconies held up by carved brackets, elaborate windows and wrought iron railings. Overlooking the nearby square Vigo is the seventeenth-century church S. Sebastian, with splendid baroque front is crowned by a balustrade with statues. Via Cavour from Piazza Duomo eventually leads to the Library and Gallery Zelantea, one of the richest island (150.00 volumes), dating back to 1671. In three
salt is placed the material of the Pinacoteca, the Archeological Museum and the Museum of the Risorgimento.
not miss, besides collecting paintings of the XVII-XIX, the bust of Julius Caesar, better known as a bust of Acireale. South entrance of the city, the center du a big park, are the Terme di S. Venera (sulphurous water at 22 ° C of a volcanic source), the great nineteenth-century classical-style spa in the prospectus.

La Timpa
E' un promontorio di circa 80 m di altezza a ridosso della costa di Acireale . Dal 1999 è diventata riserva naturale orientata. È caratterizzata da rocce di origine vulcanica a gradinate e da diverse faglie nelle quali cresce una fitta vegetazione; il territorio della riserva si presenta conservato ed in larga parte incontaminato, pur se inserito in un contesto particolarmente antropizzato, come la costa orientale a nord di Catania.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Come i più avranno intuito, il cicloraduno della scorsa domenica ad Arcore coincideva con la manifestazione di protesta, inneggiante alle dimissione del berlusconi,organizzata dal popolo viola.
Non ci sono andato, si teneva nel pomeriggio ed ero occupato, il giorno prima però ero al palasharp, spero pareggi in qualche modo il conto, ho la sensazione di aver fatto il mio dovere.
Una sola considerazione: a milano si sono ritrovate 10-12.000 persone, neanche l'ombra di una divisa, tutto si è svolto tranquillamente e civilmente, ad arcore le persone erano 5000, mezz'ora dopo la fine della manifestazione la polizia ha caricato più volte un gruppo di manifestanti che avevano spostato le chiappe un pò troppo vicino al cancello d'entrata del berlusconi, l'unica cosa che è rimasta di tutto ciò, sui mezzi d'informazione, sono solo i disordini.
Tutto il resto, come disse roy batty pochi attimi prima di morire, sono come lacrime nella pioggia.

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kindergarten they told me. Even the pediatrician

"This year, the flu is terrible. Often, very often, there is a relapse."

And we fall.

So now we are again closed in to watch the sun shining outside.

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Una galleria fotografica di quello che non avete visto quando siamo andati a Pogno (No) il 23/01/2011

clicca sul titolo per vedere le foto !!!

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the face of the freak at the beginning of the climb in asphalt

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National Archaeological Museum "Domenico Ridola" Matera

imperial From the Palaeolithic age. Centuries of history are contained in Luke's oldest museum of Basilicata. The National Archaeological Museum of Matera "Domenico Ridola, established in 1911, houses exhibits from various collections, including artefacts from the Collection Rizzon purchased by the State in 1990, a simplified chronology of discoveries of Matera, in particular, rich grave goods and material from ancient shrines and villages located on the highlands overlooking the river valleys (Montescaglioso - Miglionico - Timmari - Monte Irsi - Garaguso - Tricarico). The hall dedicated to Ridola, with its furniture of the '20s, met local folk art wooden objects, scientific publications and policies, correspondence with leading archaeologists and weapons seized from bandits

www .