Monday, October 25, 2010

Tech Deck For Ipod Touch For Free

trip to the ER

Saturday we had so many programs that eventually, for one reason or another, have not gone through. We therefore opted to go for a ride to the village festival, which will become a great fair next week, but some attractions are already available to children. Sofia chooses to go on the trampoline, not the ones with the sling, your carpets. 2 After 2 minutes of jump starts crying and stops. He complains that it hurts the knee, maybe he supported bad. Let's go home and whenever she supports the piede a terra si lamenta che ha male al ginocchio. Rimane tutta la sera distesa in divano, le mettiamo una cremina e una fasciatura bella stretta sperando che la notte porti sollievo.

Ieri mattina sopra pensiero scende dalla sedia, appoggia il piede a terra e cade. Ha troppo male.

Ok, si va al PS.

Dopo una mezz'oretta d'attesa è il nostro turno. La dottoressa la visita ed effettivamente Sofia il ginocchio lo muove senza problemi, toccandola e tastandola non le fa male, non è neppure gonfia, insomma sembra non abbia niente, eppure non vuole / riesce ad appoggiare il piede.

"Per sicurezza, signora, le facciamo i raggi. Lei non è in stato di gravidanza, vero?"

Io la guardo, mi guardo la pancia li in bella mostra, visto che ormai i giubbotti non riesco più a chiuderli, e le dico "beh, un pochino. diciamo che sono quasi a termine anche...".

"Oh, mi scusi, risponde lei " l'ho guardata solo in viso e non la pancia".

Vabbè, dopo questa piccola parentesi comica andiamo a fare i raggi.

Attendiamo un bel po' e ad un certo punto esce il tecnico che frettolosamente chiede " la ragazzina riesce ad appoggiare il piede a terra?"

Ehm, penso, 3 anni e mezzo... ragazzina ? Sorvolo.

"No, siamo qui per questo, quando appoggia il piede ha male!"

Le fanno la prima radiografia. Sembra has nothing.

We go out. We look forward to. After fifteen minutes remind us. It 'better to do another.

now seems to have a micro fracture knee. We send in the orthopedics and there are quite a plaster over the entire leg.

must keep 20 days, until Nov. 15, which is also the date on which his sister would be born. I would say perfect timing.

Yesterday my spirits were definitely under the heels.

Ok, I'm home from work, but are not able to lift and move it as I would. Now that the cast weighs a lot and when I lift my belly hurts, in other words if I do not care much risk of delivering before term. Then I have to invent as

them pass the time, which is not a trivial matter. 20 days pass from sitting or lying are quite long for a child of 3 ½ years. Although I must say that it is really good, had a few crying spells but nothing more. Let's say that currently the most urgent problem to be solved is how to calm the itch.

Introducing my little plaster:

Sofia con gesso

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can You Get Herpes From A Bed

parfait (without eggs) with meringue, chocolate and almonds

Semifreddo al cioccolato

Excuse the photo, I assure you, not justice, but I was really in a hurry.

This parfait is my invention. I tried several variations but this is what I would share. I know it is autumn, time for apples, hazelnuts and chestnuts, but the last time I did, about a week ago, was still appreciated!

Ingredients: 400 ml cream

already sweetened meringue white

100 gr 40 gr.

already shelled almonds 60 g dark chocolate flakes

20 g cocoa powder 80 gr. greek yogurt

Whip the cream and stir slowly, mixing well, cocoa, crushed meringues, the yoghurt, ground almonds and chocolate flakes. Pour into a loaf pan and place in freezer for at least 5 / 6 hours.

Decorate (flakes di panna o cioccolato fuso) e buon dessert!

Auguro a tutte una dolcissima giornata!