Gerace (Greek-Calabrian dialect: Ierax, Jèrax) is located in the province of Reggio Calabria.
who had occasion to stay for a few days in Reggio Calabria will have to postpone a trip to Gerace, a nice town not far from the capital of Calabria, worthy of interest for its beauty and monumental landscapes.
But it is above the quaint old town of Gerace to attract the attention of the visitor. To have a glance of the city and enjoy a picturesque landscape is advisable to reach the beam, the name by which the locals call the space in front of the Castle of the city: from here you can admire a landscape of outstanding beauty, extraordinary the colors and the variety of forms topography. Leaving the castle you should go in the direction of the Cathedral normanna, dove è possibile visitare la prigione dei cinque martiri di Gerace, il portale di Lucifero e poco distante il palazzo municipale ricco di decori marmorei. La Cattedrale risale al 1045 e consta di tre navate ciascuna delle quali è abbellita da 13 colonne provenienti, secondo gli studiosi, dai templi della vicina Locri. Scendendo poi lunga la via Catello si raggiungono la Chiesa di San Francesco e le vicine Chiese di San Giovannello e del Sacro Cuore.
Cuore pulsante della città sin dai tempi antichi è senza dubbio la Piazza del Tocco, vero e proprio salotto dove gli abitanti sono soliti riunirsi nel tempo libero per godere dell'aria aperta. Sulla piazza si affacciano alcuni tra i più bei palazzi signorili della città, a cominciare House by House Migliaccio Furci to continue with the house and historic Baron Macri. A stone's throw from the square you can admire the City Palace was once the seat of the feudal lords of the area. According to the etymology of the term giving the name of the square ("touch" derives from the greek "thòkos" meaning seat, assembly), the space has always been elected to a national meeting place. According to others the word "touch" would mean "cap" of the magistrate and, according to this derivation, Piazza del Tocco mean square of Justice. For still others "feel" to recall the sound of the bell that called Gerace to meet members of parliament.
who had occasion to stay for a few days in Reggio Calabria will have to postpone a trip to Gerace, a nice town not far from the capital of Calabria, worthy of interest for its beauty and monumental landscapes.
But it is above the quaint old town of Gerace to attract the attention of the visitor. To have a glance of the city and enjoy a picturesque landscape is advisable to reach the beam, the name by which the locals call the space in front of the Castle of the city: from here you can admire a landscape of outstanding beauty, extraordinary the colors and the variety of forms topography. Leaving the castle you should go in the direction of the Cathedral normanna, dove è possibile visitare la prigione dei cinque martiri di Gerace, il portale di Lucifero e poco distante il palazzo municipale ricco di decori marmorei. La Cattedrale risale al 1045 e consta di tre navate ciascuna delle quali è abbellita da 13 colonne provenienti, secondo gli studiosi, dai templi della vicina Locri. Scendendo poi lunga la via Catello si raggiungono la Chiesa di San Francesco e le vicine Chiese di San Giovannello e del Sacro Cuore.
Cuore pulsante della città sin dai tempi antichi è senza dubbio la Piazza del Tocco, vero e proprio salotto dove gli abitanti sono soliti riunirsi nel tempo libero per godere dell'aria aperta. Sulla piazza si affacciano alcuni tra i più bei palazzi signorili della città, a cominciare House by House Migliaccio Furci to continue with the house and historic Baron Macri. A stone's throw from the square you can admire the City Palace was once the seat of the feudal lords of the area. According to the etymology of the term giving the name of the square ("touch" derives from the greek "thòkos" meaning seat, assembly), the space has always been elected to a national meeting place. According to others the word "touch" would mean "cap" of the magistrate and, according to this derivation, Piazza del Tocco mean square of Justice. For still others "feel" to recall the sound of the bell that called Gerace to meet members of parliament.
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