Burgio (Burgiu in Sicilian) is in the province of Agrigento which is 65 km and 95 km away from Palermo.
rises over an internal hilly area, located at 317 meters above sea level. The ancient history of
Burgio has a period mystery.
There is no reliable source on the foundation date of Burgio certainly existed in the fourteenth century AD, when the inhabitants of nearby Scirtea joined those of Burgio.
And certainly existed in 1282 AD, when Peter I of Aragon, King of Sicily, the Sicilian Parliament invited the mayors and some, among them, to Burgio.
The origins of the country are shrouded in mystery, enriched with interesting elements that testify to the presence there of different populations: the Castle, perhaps from the twelfth century., A chapel dedicated to M.SS. People's 744, a picture of the Blessed Virgin. between St. Anthony Abbot and St. Nicholas of Bari in 1102 and, finally, a crucifix kept in the Cathedral Church of 1103. Burgio was First Lord of
Aly Binncema (Re amiro, the branch of Edris) who bequeathed his kingdom to Hamud. They lost it in 1087 in the war against King Roger, during which he was forced to leave the territory and surrender.
Roger established the Diocese of Girgenti Gerlando appointed as Bishop. Just Gerlando to administer Baptism to Sciacca Hamud, who converted to Christianity, his wife and children. Between Roger and
Hamud was a relationship of spiritual brotherhood so that the same Hamud was named Roger, and as was Lord of Burgio, including that of Burgos. It letterhead, thus, the descendants of the noble family Burgio. In 1330 it was
Burgio Lord Frederick of Antioch.
followed until 1400 a period in which historians do not agree.
Certainly, however, that in 1405 belonged to the ancestors of Nicholas Burgio Peralta. On the death of Catherine in the middle of 1400, passed Burgio Antonio Cardona, his son. The Lordship of
Antonio Cardona was very quiet in contrast to that of his son, Alfonso Cardona, against which the people rose up calling for the direct intervention of the Viceroy Fernando de Acugna which wrote that "lu spectabile accounts Rigio, Patruno of the earth lu Burgiu them bagia inferred continuous infer different vexacioni et et et novitate undue harassment. " (State Archives of Palermo, R. Chancellery, the year 1490-91, vol. 176, page 336).
things, despite the direct intervention of the Viceroy, did not change at all, even persisted unchanged until the investiture of Louis Salluzzo Cardona, Alfonso's successor. Other
successors followed but The fundamental change came with the Lordship of Gioeni which lasted from 1577 to 1637.
In 1641, the investiture of Baron Burgio Marcantonio Colonna went to fifth by marriage with D. Isabella, daughter of Lorenzo Gioeni. It was, for the whole of Sicily, a quiet period for the openness of the Baron who preferred to leave Rome and move to Sicily. I kept the column
Burgio domain until 1826, when Margaret Gioeni Column Rospigliosi sold to Domenico burgitano Maniscalchi the possessions of his family. Even
Burgio, since 1781, was under the viceroyalty of Domenico Caracciolo, sent by King Ferdinand in Sicily. The eighteenth-century renewal of air you breathe deeply in Sicily until 1812, the year of the surrender in the Sicilian Parliament, by the nobility, all the privileges it enjoyed. Sicily was divided into compartments 9 and 22 smaller districts, like playing the new Constitution. Burgio, so, he joined his fortunes to those of the District of Bivona.
to administer the country were sent to a council house and four jurors. But Ferdinand abolished the constitution in 1816, took the name of King Ferdinand I of Two Sicilies, and began every form of persecution against his people.
Burgio A council house was replaced by a decurionato consists of two elected mayor and appointed directly by the government. The rebellion that saw the Sicily touched Burgio, where the citizens rose up and put in charge of City Modesto Cordaro farmer who, along with Michael Arcuri put you in charge of urban militia, held in the country in a state of tranquility.
The situation remained stable because Burgio, between 1847 and 1848, was hit by cholera which decimated the population remained low, even in a state of insurrection against the servitude of the Bourbons.
The security situation was very precarious time in Sicily and, to restore a possible order, Ruggero Settimo, head of the government, sent to Burgio Giacinto Carini. These, at the head of two squadrons of cavalry and 600 volunteers, Burgio rescued by the overwhelming power of some local citizens and ristabilì l'ordine.
Un altro duro colpo alla già scarsa popolazione fu dato dalla leva obbligatoria del 1840 e 1841 alla quale, nonostante il tentativo di darsi alla macchia, furono costretti molti giovani paesani sotto la minaccia delle armi.
I primi anni di vita nell'ordine dell'unità d'Italia furono durissimi; Burgio fu nuovamente decimata dal colera (1867) e dal vaiolo (1889) mentre povertà e sicurezza precaria facevano la loro parte.
Così, anche per far fronte alla crisi economica delle campagne, molti si iscrissero al Fascio dei lavoratori, anche se qui, a differenza che altrove, non vi furono conseguenze gravi rispetto ai disordini scoppiati altrove e, poco dopo, i Fasci furono sciolti.
I primi years of the century were not signers from particular events. Here, as elsewhere, life marked by continued work in the countryside despite the misery he had been the best prosperity of the crops in the ancient past.
Wars, then, even more marked the destiny of this country in 1968, also suffered the consequences of the earthquake of Belice.
rises over an internal hilly area, located at 317 meters above sea level. The ancient history of
Burgio has a period mystery.
There is no reliable source on the foundation date of Burgio certainly existed in the fourteenth century AD, when the inhabitants of nearby Scirtea joined those of Burgio.
And certainly existed in 1282 AD, when Peter I of Aragon, King of Sicily, the Sicilian Parliament invited the mayors and some, among them, to Burgio.
The origins of the country are shrouded in mystery, enriched with interesting elements that testify to the presence there of different populations: the Castle, perhaps from the twelfth century., A chapel dedicated to M.SS. People's 744, a picture of the Blessed Virgin. between St. Anthony Abbot and St. Nicholas of Bari in 1102 and, finally, a crucifix kept in the Cathedral Church of 1103. Burgio was First Lord of
Aly Binncema (Re amiro, the branch of Edris) who bequeathed his kingdom to Hamud. They lost it in 1087 in the war against King Roger, during which he was forced to leave the territory and surrender.
Roger established the Diocese of Girgenti Gerlando appointed as Bishop. Just Gerlando to administer Baptism to Sciacca Hamud, who converted to Christianity, his wife and children. Between Roger and
Hamud was a relationship of spiritual brotherhood so that the same Hamud was named Roger, and as was Lord of Burgio, including that of Burgos. It letterhead, thus, the descendants of the noble family Burgio. In 1330 it was
Burgio Lord Frederick of Antioch.
followed until 1400 a period in which historians do not agree.
Certainly, however, that in 1405 belonged to the ancestors of Nicholas Burgio Peralta. On the death of Catherine in the middle of 1400, passed Burgio Antonio Cardona, his son. The Lordship of
Antonio Cardona was very quiet in contrast to that of his son, Alfonso Cardona, against which the people rose up calling for the direct intervention of the Viceroy Fernando de Acugna which wrote that "lu spectabile accounts Rigio, Patruno of the earth lu Burgiu them bagia inferred continuous infer different vexacioni et et et novitate undue harassment. " (State Archives of Palermo, R. Chancellery, the year 1490-91, vol. 176, page 336).
things, despite the direct intervention of the Viceroy, did not change at all, even persisted unchanged until the investiture of Louis Salluzzo Cardona, Alfonso's successor. Other
successors followed but The fundamental change came with the Lordship of Gioeni which lasted from 1577 to 1637.
In 1641, the investiture of Baron Burgio Marcantonio Colonna went to fifth by marriage with D. Isabella, daughter of Lorenzo Gioeni. It was, for the whole of Sicily, a quiet period for the openness of the Baron who preferred to leave Rome and move to Sicily. I kept the column
Burgio domain until 1826, when Margaret Gioeni Column Rospigliosi sold to Domenico burgitano Maniscalchi the possessions of his family. Even
Burgio, since 1781, was under the viceroyalty of Domenico Caracciolo, sent by King Ferdinand in Sicily. The eighteenth-century renewal of air you breathe deeply in Sicily until 1812, the year of the surrender in the Sicilian Parliament, by the nobility, all the privileges it enjoyed. Sicily was divided into compartments 9 and 22 smaller districts, like playing the new Constitution. Burgio, so, he joined his fortunes to those of the District of Bivona.
to administer the country were sent to a council house and four jurors. But Ferdinand abolished the constitution in 1816, took the name of King Ferdinand I of Two Sicilies, and began every form of persecution against his people.
Burgio A council house was replaced by a decurionato consists of two elected mayor and appointed directly by the government. The rebellion that saw the Sicily touched Burgio, where the citizens rose up and put in charge of City Modesto Cordaro farmer who, along with Michael Arcuri put you in charge of urban militia, held in the country in a state of tranquility.
The situation remained stable because Burgio, between 1847 and 1848, was hit by cholera which decimated the population remained low, even in a state of insurrection against the servitude of the Bourbons.
The security situation was very precarious time in Sicily and, to restore a possible order, Ruggero Settimo, head of the government, sent to Burgio Giacinto Carini. These, at the head of two squadrons of cavalry and 600 volunteers, Burgio rescued by the overwhelming power of some local citizens and ristabilì l'ordine.
Un altro duro colpo alla già scarsa popolazione fu dato dalla leva obbligatoria del 1840 e 1841 alla quale, nonostante il tentativo di darsi alla macchia, furono costretti molti giovani paesani sotto la minaccia delle armi.
I primi anni di vita nell'ordine dell'unità d'Italia furono durissimi; Burgio fu nuovamente decimata dal colera (1867) e dal vaiolo (1889) mentre povertà e sicurezza precaria facevano la loro parte.
Così, anche per far fronte alla crisi economica delle campagne, molti si iscrissero al Fascio dei lavoratori, anche se qui, a differenza che altrove, non vi furono conseguenze gravi rispetto ai disordini scoppiati altrove e, poco dopo, i Fasci furono sciolti.
I primi years of the century were not signers from particular events. Here, as elsewhere, life marked by continued work in the countryside despite the misery he had been the best prosperity of the crops in the ancient past.
Wars, then, even more marked the destiny of this country in 1968, also suffered the consequences of the earthquake of Belice.
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