Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Many Megabytes Onlaserdisc


missing 13 days before removing the plaster.

Last week was really hard: we had to find a balance between the new demands of Sofia (his need of my attention 100%, his rejection crisis of gypsum, its quirks caused impatience immobility forced) and my need for peace and quiet, my back pain and stomach, my inability to lift it every time.

E 'was hard but we made it. Now we have become accustomed to this intruder, and I marvel at the ability of children to accept even the most difficult and uncomfortable, so if Sofia has started to move first to the house on sat nonchalantly dragging with non-leg plaster, now even we walk, and even without crutches! I am an infinite tenderness.

to spend some 'time, in addition to color, read books, stay in the company of pals / e and make some new cookies (the recipe soon!), We re-did our beloved Mr Didò :



But as soon as the weather improved we spent our days out, walking, taking the air, playing with the leaves



Then we did not forget Halloween and we have made our gourds felt:


now await only the arrival of little sister to further upset all our balance, but I'm sure we'll get to the big ... Oh well, "Safe" is an adjective a bit 'too much, say the words that best suits you ... I hope that I manage.


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