Monday, January 10, 2011

Pokemon Ruby Rom Master Ball Cheat


Emma 2 mesi

Emma Dear sweet little blue eyes,

now two months old.

We are learning to know, right?

Certainly we can say that you like the pampering, the warmth of being embraced. If I could rimmarresti accucciolata on me all day.

Make shit remains an option. I was hoping to have solved the problem by giving the enzymes a few days but the point we are back in charge. The pediatrician says not to worry and that nature takes its course, yes, but I regret having to "help" to make poop every day.

You have sensitive skin that reddens easily and more easily filled with dots. I have to use only mild products and natural as possible. The mother has not made unprepared but thank Melanele and fits perfectly for the beautiful gift that we did:

Thank you very much, dear !

the day you're just not a great sleeper and when you wake up you feel like so much in braccio. Odi la sdraietta, accetti di stare distesa sul divano per 5 minuti.

La sera hai già il tuo piccolo rituale della nanna. Bisogna spegnere le luci e lasciarne solo una soffusa così capisci che è giunta l'ora. Ti svegli e ti riaddormenti per ben tre volte e solo alla terza fai la nanna definitiva che può durare dalle 5 alle 7 ore. Decisamente non posso lamentarmi.

Non ti addormenti quasi mai al seno, quindi devo passeggiare per la casa per farti cadere tra le braccia di Morfeo. Urge nuovo metodo visto che non credo di farcela quando peserai 9/10 chili.

I melt when I look with your blue eyes and I smile at all gums. I never get tired of watching your chubby little hands, the smell of your skin that smells of milk, to kiss your cheeks round.

Good complimese my little one,

your mom

ps. I am finally well, it was hard but I did and now breastfeeding without problems!


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