Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Dog Has Dry Heaves

Cellulari e salute

A very interesting article on the effect of harmful electromagnetic waves and radiation on humans in general. Did you know that a

cellualare in a car emits a stronger signal

Read more at / Art ...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Teeth Shaving Before And After

Visualize Design

The Visualize Design deals with web design and web redesign, as well as indexing. Building websites and artwork for the Internet and elsewhere: the graphic content and artistic Visualize using the latest web technologies: Macromedia Flash animations, vector graphics of various types, and design work suitable for static website as a brochure or flyers.
The group specializes in using advanced tools for creating websites: Javascript, PHP, MySQL database, various types of CMS (Content Management System), Java, XML ...

For information please contact: or:
Send an email to Visualize Design Group

Finally a serious group for jobs online

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Toilet Paper Folding Versus Wadding


sometimes ... even yahoo pick us! This is a great service just acquired by LAUNCHcast

... l \\ 'I did it in less than a minute using the tools available to ...
for those interested:


Friday, September 8, 2006

Why Was The Deck Of Cards Always In Trouble?

Mac OsX Aqua Style Splash Screen

Monday, September 4, 2006

Counter Offer Letter Sample Insurance

Internet Map

Just click on the picture ... to 150 click the fund will have a home on the web

Internet map

Thursday, July 20, 2006

How To Congratulate A Friend On Engagement


Brazilian distribution that tries to imitate in every way the appearance mac ....
Arm yourself a lot of patience to download the live cd (and installer) servers seem really leeenti ... However I have downloaded, if someone wants to try it just ask ....

Qualities Of A Psych Nurse

Ubuntu Counter

I am Ubuntu user # 163 ... anyone with this distro, go on the site and register! Show the world who we are!

The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 163 Read more at

ubuntucounter.geekosoph ...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Interior Design Company Names Ideas

Google Calendar per il Fondo Cecconi

Finally an easy way to see the events of the Fund Cecconi : Just
Just click on the image below to get access to the calendar of the fund.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How I Beat Social Services

Aprire più applicazioni (programmi) contemporanemente

I write here the solution to a stupid little problem, how widespread.

we often want to open with only one double-click programs as a whole, just because we use it always seem ... for example, Firefox with Google Talk or GAIM. Or Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator ...

In our case we want to click one icon to see all the programs we need, without doverceli "search" on the desktop or Start menu.

What is feasible and simple:
Create a new document (for example: right click on desktop> "New"> "Text Document" and then open it, or open the Notepad menu "Start"> "Programs" > "Accessories")
type in the following:

start "" "C: \\ Program Files \\ percorso_applicazione_1 \\ applicazione1.exe"
start "" "C: \\ Program Files \\ percorso_applicazione_2 \\ applicazione2.exe"
start " "" C: \\ Program Files \\ percorso_applicazione_3 \\ applicazione3.exe "

where: percorso_applicazione_1 is the path to the program to run. If you do not know which path, you can always right Just click on the link to that program you use to open it (so that in the start menu or desktop) and choose "Properties". Then copy the contents of the field "Target" instead of the piece "C: \\ Program Files \\ percorso_applicazione_1 \\ applicazione1.exe" .
Repeat this for each application to run simultaneously.

Save the file with a. Bat: "File"> "Save As"> change the field "Save as" set to "All Files". Enter the name (which deve terminare con ".bat"). Assicuratevi di salvarlo sul Desktop, altrimenti vi toccherà andarvelo a cercare ogni volta che lo dovete usare.

Ora basterà che clikkarci due volte per far partire i programmi

Ho scritto la procedura per esteso, in modo che anche chi non abbia dimestichezza con windows possa riuscire...

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Diet Plan For Pole Vaulters

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake rilasciata

Disponibile in 3 versioni, Desktop , Server e Alternate , e per ogni tipo di architettura (pc o mac che sia!) è stata rilasciata l'ultima versione della popolare distribuzione linux " for human beings ".

Tra le importanti novità cito solo il Long Time Support (LTS che compare anche nel nome) e la possibilità di scaricare i pacchetti per XGL, il nuovo pezzo di server grafico mac-style che si propone come il precursore (per la parte grafica) di un modello di Linux per Desktop di nuova generazione.

Scaricate: Ubuntu Dapper Drake LTS 6.06

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Broken Capillaries Whilst Pregnant In Uterus

Image Hosting rapido e senza registrazione

Servizio velocissimo di image hosting. Vi riporto qui qualche thumbnai:

Ory-CD-Reflex: Free Image Hosting at

Dona-Matrix: Free Image Hosting at

Karda-Style: Free Image Hosting at

This is the web service used: AllYouCanUpload

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Infinity M35 Front Camera ?

Google Video: per Adidas NIENTE è impossibile

This is one of the many videos you can find on Google Video .

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Life Place Of Denise Milani

Google Notebook

The last application for Google's web home, seems to be a cross between Calendar and BlogReader previously issued.

fact we can create for ourselves a small place, in the form of simple notes, to which the usual pleasant encounters AJAX programming, enhancing and simplifying the interface.

E 'can create sections (a kind of folders ... maybe in the future become LABELS, as in Gmail) and make public whether or not their own laptop, so you can be tracked on the Web dall'apposito search engine (Google Notebook)

Finally for Firefox users, there is already a handy extension that allows you to add notes to your notebook, regardless of the site where we find ourselves, allowing us to comment on (a little 'to Blogger) and take notes on the link to the actual site, which is included.

You can use the service to the site